What to take, and what the trail is like
Let's start with what to take with you, I made this easy, so you can copy and paste/print it, for a check list:
1. Passport, driver licenses, medical card, money and credit card. US money will be fine, I didn't find any place that would not take US dollars, or my visa.
2. Tent -light weight is best. You will be setting the tent on platforms, so make sure the guide lines are long. I didn't take my stakes at all, saving me weight. I have a free standing tent, but NOT light weight. I will be changing that.
3. Foot print - What I like to use is an emergency blanket, the thicker one. This helps keep you warm and is still tough enough to keep your tent from being poked. Similar to this: https://www.amazon.com/UST-Survival-Windproof-Waterproof-Emergency/dp/B00YDQJ9EK/ref=sr_1_14?crid=1TGIFGF4DEWFU&keywords=emergency+blanket&qid=1563898656&s=gateway&sprefix=emerg%2Caps%2C265&sr=8-14
I roll my foot print around my tent, then stuff both into the tent bag.
4. Sleeping bag - remember the weather will be cooler on the pass, so make sure your bag is warm enough.
5. Sleeping pad and pump.
6. Food, enough for the number of days of your trip and 2 extra, breakfast, lunch, and dinners. Fuel your body, this will be a workout, esp on the Golden Stairs. Shakeology makes for a fast easy, meal. There are a few different flavors to choose from check this out, FYI, don't buy from there, talk to me for the best deal going for the month. https://www.teambeachbody.com/shop/b/shakeology?referringRepID=113282
My breakfast was oatmeal. Lunch was Shakeology, my Dinner was Thrive dinners, those were made by my friend Jan, and vacuum sealed. Jan Filo can be reached at: 907.354.7557 or email her at fanFiloThroveLife@gmail.com I told her what I needed and she made my meals, vacuums packed them. I dumped them into a bowl and added hot water, and let sit until done. EASY and HEALTY!!
I also bought some pre packaged Thrive items. Again Healthy!
7. Snacks, high energy snacks. chocolate, protein, nuts, raisins, trail mix, beef jerky...... my favorite are Beachbody bars. https://www.teambeachbody.com/shop/d/BBarPeanutButterChocCherryAlmond?referringRepID=113282
8. Water and a good filtering system. SteriPen vs Filter system. The SteriPen runs by a charge or battery. You will have NO electric on the Chilkoot trail, so if you get a SteriPen get a battery powered one and at least 2 sets of batteries. My friend only had one extra set of batteries, she ran out, she was sharing it with friends. Mine was a charge and it didn't last long at all. Thank goodness I also had the Katadyn pump. Plus the SteriPen doesn't take out "floaties". As long as you don't mind drinking a little dirt....well then get the SteriPen. I prefer the Katadyn.
My preference was the filtering system, : https://www.amazon.com/Katadyn-Transparent-Lightweight-Backpacking-Preparedness/dp/B075TTTX2R/ref=sr_1_4?crid=14926JO3QA5SP&keywords=water+filter+backpacking&qid=1563899009&s=gateway&sprefix=filter+backp%2Caps%2C232&sr=8-4
I like the water bladders, I can walk and sip water. I also carried a water bottle, the same one I shake my Shakeology in.
9. TP - toilet paper. On the Alaska side there is paper in the bathrooms, but in Canada there is not, bring your own.
10. Bear bags, this is good to have while on the trail, and also it makes carrying your food down to the bear boxes and up to the warming cabins easy and convenient. There are bear boxes at each camp. The bear bags I use are: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00UTK95WU/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s02?ie=UTF8&psc=1
11. Clothing, Alaska can get hot, so zip-off pants to shorts works well for this trip. At least 2 pair. I wear one, pack the other. A few extra shirts...you sweat and stink. :D girls/bras, underwear, EXTRA socks, you will be crossing water, a LOT, if you fall in, you are going to want extra socks if it's cold.
12. Bug dope. Now, I am a clean freak....meaning NO chemicals, but I ALMOST took a friends 100% deet. haha The mosquitos were BAD going over the pass, all the way from the Golden Staircase (GS) to Happy Camp. I thanked God for the hard rain we had after the warming cabin at the top of the GS, it kept them away.
13. If you take things that need charged, you will need back up chargers. I took only one, I should have taken two. Mine was X2 power 10400mAh, it was not enough to charge my iwatch, and iphone for 5 days.
14. Sun screen and sunglasses.
15. Cook pots, bowls, spoon, fork. It was easier to put my food into a bowl to eat it, instead of eating from the pan. Easier to clean too. Plus, I still had the pan clean for my friend and also my tea. SHARE with friends.....you both don't need to carry a filter, cook pans, fuel...... Sharing is good. We shared a tent also, I carried it :D
16. FUEL!! I took along two small cans, Kelly took one large. We used both of my small and 1/2 her large. It's nice to have extra, not be cut short.
17. Matches, and or lighter to light your stove. I prefer a lighter, then I don't have to worry about it getting wet.
18. Stove. I have a little one that screws to the top of the fuel can. Easy to use, small and light weight, it stores in my pans, taking up less room in my pack. Tip: when we used it in the evening for dinner, we left it together, so we didn't lose the small amount of fuel that escapes when you screw it on. I don't recommend the ones that use the little fuel blocks that you have to light. These take forever to boil water, wasting time and energy.
19. Wash cloth for cleaning up the dishes and you. Light weight towel or a dirty shirt....is what i used, after "swimming" in Bare Loon lake. "Swimming", used lightly, as the water was COLD. :D
20. Medical supplies. I recommend having Hydro Seal. One girl was getting hot spots on her toes, we tried bandaids, no luck, tape, nope, mole skin, again no. Hydro Seal and she was YELLING.....YES..... as soon as she started walking. :D Don't wait until you have a full blown blister, take care of them as soon as you feel it.
21. Of course a good backpack. Make sure it fits you. Mine was 42 lbs, that much weight with a bad fitting backpack would have killed me. I would recommend staying around 30 lbs. My tent and food were the heaviest items. Those could be a LOT lighter. I didn't try my food before I left, NO time....so I took extra just incase. Make sure you try your foods and like them. Nothing worse then finding out on day four your food taste gross and eating your next days meal instead, because you are starving. Now you are going to be a day short. :/ FYI, I can handle the 42lbs. I was still at the front of the pack, unless I was taking pictures and being the sweep.
22. Sponge....now you are thinking.....why a sponge. Well, if your tent is wet inside, it's nice to wipe out the water in the bottom of the tent.
23. ICE - In Case of Emergency. I was with friends that I don't know their families, or what meds they take, nor did they know mine..... In my pack I have a laminated paper with a list of family members and phone numbers. Also a list of meds I take.... none, and what I am allergic to, codeine.
24. Rain jacket. Check it out before you go, make sure it will protect you from the rain. Have your friend BLAST you with the hose, before you leave to make sure it's water proof. Have fun! We got hit with a hard rain on the walk/hike to Happy Camp, after the GS thank God. :D My jacket was not water proof. It was suppose to be, but wasn't. I was soaked through. When I got home, I did a review on Amazon for the jacket, not a good review. I had pictures of the inside of the jacket and how wet it was. I am returning it. Ponchos are not recommended. you don't want something hanging down while climbing on the boulders, that could trip you. Plus if it's windy, you will get wet under the poncho.
25. Have a light warm jacket also, thank goodness I had two jackets with me. Yes, my pack was heavy. haha thank God I workout daily. It's not the BIG items that you look out for when making your pack lighter, it's all the little things that add up to weight.
26. She pee - Guys you can skip this one :D
27. Wipes, for your bottom and to "bath" with. Do NOT toss these into the porta potty!! You much carry them out.
28. Personal hygiene. Tooth brush vs the finger sweep brush. Finger sweeps works well if it a day or two, not 6, take a tooth brush and toothpaste.
29. Flashlight, it does get dark sometimes in Alaska
30. Hand and toe warmers. Yes it's summer time, but you never know. I used my toe warmers to help dry my shoes.
31. Compass
32. Knife
33. light weight gloves
34. If you are going in June or September, you may want to have along cleats.
If you get stuck and in an emergency, snap a picture of these numbers!!!
Wanting to get into shape for this or any other hike. Chat with me, I am a fitness coach and would love to help you.
DOGS: Dogs can go on this trip, they need to be on a lead at all times, except the GS, Golden Staircase. Some rangers will tell you to keep them on lead if its fogged in. After all you don't want your dog running in the fog and getting lost.
Know your dog, do they have a problem over large boulders? I saw one lady take her dog back down, he was getting scared and she didn't want to push him. Another couple, the dog was at the top before the owners.
Just keep in mind, you, or your dog has to carry the dog food. It too needs to go into the bear lockers.
If it's raining the dog get wet. Make sure you have a rain jacket for them. It's the little things we forget, the reason I am doing this blog.
We left Wasilla 7PM Thursday evening.
We didn't start hiking until Sunday, so we were taking out time getting there.
We had two campers and 6 people. Since we had campers we stayed along side the road at rest stops.
I can tell you to NOT eat at the Chinese Restaurant in Haines. Bad food, bad service. There is a pub in Haines, eat there. We heard it was much better. Let me know how it was, since we didn't eat there. :D
In Skagway we stayed at Garden City RV park. Clean, restrooms, showers and laundry room, nice people. $47 a night for an RV. We spent the first night and last night there. Too costly to leave the campers there for the week. A great place to stay to shower and wash clothes, at the beginning and ending of the trip. The boys dumped the campers there also, before heading home.
FYI, showers are $1 for 4 minutes. There is a change machine in the laundry room. Before the hike I took a 4 minute shower, after the hike I took a 8 minute shower.
Washer - front load was $1.75 and a Tide pod $1 in the office.
Dryers were $.25. Don't put more than $.50 in at a time. They are hot and dry fast.
We left one RV at the train station, free. We all pilled everyone into one RV and drove over to the trail head, dropped off all backpacks and most of the people. Then Jim and I drove over to the Dyea campground, close to the trail head parked the RV and then walked back to the trail head. This campground was free parking. So no charge to leave out RV's while we hiked the trail.
When we were all done and at the END of the Chilkoot trail, we took the train to Carcross then the bus to Skagway. The bus dropped us off at the train station parking, we all piled into the RV and drove over to the other RV. Saving us taxi $$. FYI the train goes to Carcross on Friday's, not into Skagway.
Skagway Brewery was a great place to eat. The Red Onion was also suggested, but we didn't eat there. Walk in though and look around. Pretty cool bar. Skagway Brewery is costly, but GOOD. :D
This trail starts June - September. We went in July, and had great weather. Most of the snow was gone, we didn't need cleats, good boots are a must.
You must book your trip through Parks Canada: https://www.pc.gc.ca/en/lhn-nhs/yt/chilkoot/activ/hiking-randonee/permis-permits
Group size of 12 maximum, and only ONE group that size will have access per day. This keeps the impact low. Only 50 people a day can hike the Chilkoot.
From here on out, I am going to let the pictures do the talking......and there are a LOT of pictures. :D
Thank you for reading and have a FUN, SAFE TRIP!!
FIRST the foods I took and ate: Thrive, healthy foods some bought, some was made up by my friend Jan. Shakeology and Beachbody Bars are what I sell, again healthy!! I eat healthy!!!
These are NOT good. OK, they are OK, but very little in the package. So, not worth it to carry them.
How ever the ones that Jan made for me, those were GOOD!!
Very good!! I took these out the their packages and put them into ziploc bgs, saving room and trash while on the trail.
These were not the best. Peas were OK, the corn NO NO NO. Too dry. I took these out the their packages
and put them into ziploc bgs, saving room and trash. OH sooo good!! Esp the pineapple. I took these out the their packages and put them into ziploc bgs, saving room and trash.
I sell these, link above #6
Time for the trip!!!
our group, minus Mike, he is taking the picture
Jim's birthday
learning about Skagway
the entire group
I pick up rocks, the reason my pack never gets lighter.
Monika found strawberries. We thanked Mike for picking the correct spot to pull over :D
This store front is covered in sticks, check it out!!
Mike having fun
Visit the Red Onion, if not to eat or drink, it's a bar, but, to see the toilets on the wall.
getting train tickets
YEP, I bought the shirt, AFTER I hiked it.
On to Sunday and the start of our hike.
We are off to Finnegan's
Just the girls!
now add a guy, the other one is way ahead
stop and rest, take in the clean air and look around.
Lots of fresh water, don't dip from the ponds.
I do believe there was a song here.
Watermelon berries, good to eat.
These however are NOT good to eat and WILL kill you. LEARN the difference. Please!! These are Bane Berries.
Yep, always dip your feet into the water. It makes them feel sooo good.
Day 2:
our group
platforms for sleeping
me and Jim's pack. Watch were you touch this tree, I got sap all over my hands.
Tree moss, pretty cool looking
Those of you that don't live in AK, this is Devils Club, stay away from this. The little needles get embedded into your skin and have to work their way back out. If you break the plant and get the white liquid on you, get it WASHED OFF ASAP. this will blister you. The sun will make it worse, so keep the blisters covered.
However I have found that Devils Club is VERY useful for medicinal purposes, and the stem, can be peeled and fried for a walking stick. Look at my blog on Devils club. There you will find links to how to use Devils Club.
now back to the hike. Jim walking another bridge.
Still lots of ups and downs over boulders, roots, and water
Take time to rest and smell the fresh air, and look around.
The elevation will always say 0, it is not hooked up to the internet. :(
lots of fresh streams
Some you have to step on the rocks to cross.
We stopped here to rest, then moved on. We left our packs here and walk a little ways to another loop to see more relicts left behind.
Just like any guy, naps any time he can. :D
Day 2 continued
This is on a side path over to more relicts, make sure you go visit there. It is about 2 miles long, but worth it. It loops around, so either direction you take after the bridge is good. The bridge is old and broken steps in places, go one person at a time, the paper tells you this. IF you fall in, sit back, relax, get your feet forward and stay on your bottom, DON'T try to stand up. Slowly work your way to the side. Crawl out. Get the clothes OFF, dry ones on and get into your sleeping bag with someone, to warm up faster. Nows the time to get that cute guy/gal in your sleeping bag with you. :D
We left our packs at the camp ground.
I found out later, I was not suppose to touch this. This is Monkshood. All parts are deadly. It should not be handled.
and we are off again.
up up and more up
Day 3 short hike. Resting for the big day tomorrow.
TONS of blueberries along the trail. Not quite ripe for us, but I did eat some anyway.
Another suspension bridge, this one is in a little better shape. Still go one at a time.
It rained the night before all night, I left the tent out to dry on the porch. Now that it's done raining, I need to move it to the platform. Mike helped.
Resting up for the big day!!
home sweet home
Day 4 up to the boulders.
I went down to the snow, just to play in it.
The old tram tower
Time to go up, we got this!! Let's go
A view looking at where I came from.
An amazing climb
Kelly is a mountain goat
Make sure you go to your right to see this!!
Two very happy girls!! WE did it!! First and worst peak
There are places where you have to cross snow, we didn't need cleats.
WE did it!! There is the warming cabin
time... 5 hours and 32 minutes
uggg more up
DONE!! well almost :D
On to Happy Camp
HUGE saw blade
need shoes....well, the soles anyway.
Just beautiful, everywhere you looked.
small streams all over to cross.
it started pouring the rain down, so I didn't take many more pictures. The worst rain we had, but at least it was after we were over the Golden Staircase.
This is a long two miles!!
Onward to Happy Camp. I am drenched. So much for a nice rain jacket. Yep, it got a bad review on Amazon and went back. :(
Happy Camp
Happy Campers !!
On to Lindeman then to Bare Loon Lake
Rebecca doctoring Kelly's toes, with Hydro Seal. great stuff.
Me and a little more rain.
Bear scat
Baby duck
We are getting sooo close to the end
Made it to Lindeman Camp
Got our certifications and see the cemetery. Very cool lots of info in the white tent at Lindeman.
DONE......well almost, we are now at Bare Loon Lake the last camp ground
A few more from Bare Loon Lake
Then more pictures to come, we "swam" in the lake. IF swimming is what you call getting in, getting wet and getting out. hhahah
Bare Loon!!
Look again, that is not a feather floating, it's the top of the mountain.
The END, bitter sweet.
WE did it!!! We are missing Mike in the picture
Packs can't go into the train station. Here are ours with names. Mine was the heaviest, 42lbs. I was still told to slow down. haha
This was pretty cool. It's made from a old wagon.
Here comes our train.
We bought the train lunches.
Lunch: cold sandwich, chips, brownie, grapes and cheese.
Headed into Carcross
This is where the ice cream is. OF course I know!! :D
The next two pictures....well anyone that knows me, KNOWS I would never drink this stuff.
The story went something like this. Mike LOVES Tang, and had a LOT of it. I saw 1/2 gallon size bag full, and that was towards the end of the trip. He had been drinking this stuff the entire trip and YES, I was making fun of him for putting that sugar crap in his body. Now I can say for this trip and all the calories we burnt, Tang and all its sugar and fructose was not a bad thing.
The container is photoshopped. That is Mikes water bottle, with a Tang picture over it. The next picture is with me holding Mikes water bottle. YES, there is Tang in the water bottle, but I was not drinking it. Mike just wanted a picture of me holding Tang. haha TONS of fun on the trail!!
LOVE Mikes smirk :D
Until next time!!
Jim and I went on to Chicken to sight see there. If you have a chance, go to Dawson and Chicken
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